Thursday, February 22, 2007


Reflections on Assignment 5 (Website/ Blog)

  • For our major assignment, we had to create a website or blog consists of our first assignment “Authentic Language”,second assignment “CALL in the Skill of Writing”, individual assignments “Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC)” and our last assignment “The Advantages of Using Corpora in Language Teaching” including the self-reflections and niche area.
  • At first, we tried but we faced difficulties to put pictures and also to create the personal designs. Then, we tried and as suggested by some of our friends but it was really frustrating because we again faced the same problems due to our limited knowledge in creating a website. However, we moved to, the most popular site for beginners to start a website. By using, we feel the site is more simple and convenient.
  • We firstly did not know that every new post we put in the blog would be at the top. When we realized this, we deleted everything and started over again by first reserving some space for later assignment (Assignment 4) and then we began including our assignments starting with assignment 3 and its reflection, assignment 2 and reflection as well as assignment 1 and reflection.
  • We faced many difficulties in designing the blog. At first, we were not able to upload videos, to create hyperlinks to our PowerPoint assignments (Women in Veil and lesson plan) and to put animations. After struggling many weeks to solve these problems, we were able to work it out with the help of our classmates and friends. Finally, we managed to include everything in this blog (except for links to PowerPoint presentation). Thanks to our friends such as Syahaizi (Section 1) and Said - We really appreciate your helps.
  • As our mahallah are far from each other, it was hard for us to meet up everyday, so we made use of our ENGL 4740 class on Tuesday and Thursday to discuss our problems and difficulties. We updated our blog with designs that fit the taste of every group member, either by using computers in the English lab, ITD lab, EDU lab or cyber café.
  • When we knew that Arif’s group (from section1) also did on nature, we decided to get away from their shadows. So, we wanted to come up with different messages of nature. We decided to stress on saving nature and reminding people not to hurt nature with pollution, forest burning etc. Also, we included some Quranic ayah that specifically mention about God’s creation of nature and its order that should not be disturbed.
  • This blog was the most fun assignment in this course. We really enjoyed making this blog. This was our first time to create a blog and perhaps we will make more blogs and websites after this. Thanks to Madam Rozina for giving us this assignment because now our IT knowledge has increased. We feel very lucky to work in one team as each of us did very fantastic jobs to obtain excellent marks for each of our assignments.


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