Friday, February 23, 2007



Lesson Plan

To Teach Argumentative Essay

Lesson :
Argumentative Essay
Level :
3 (Intermediate) in secondary school
Number of student : 25
Time : 2 periods (1 hour 20 minutes
Objectives :
1) To expose students with the use of word processing software.
2) To make the students familiar with the use of Spelling Checker, Thesaurus and Word Counter in writing.
3) To give students practice with making skeletal outline of an argumentative essay.
4) To make the students brainstorm for ideas.
5) To make students produce one argument from the topic given.
Skills : Writing argumentative essay, using Microsoft Word processor
Techniques :
Brainstorming and clustering
Materials : Computer for each student, Microsoft Word, Internet
Expectations :
1) Students at this level are already quite familiar with using Microsoft Word.
2) Students already know what constituteS argumentative essay as they have been taught about it in the previous lesson.
1) Warm-up (15 minutes):
- Ask students to open Microsoft Word.
- Give some general information about Microsoft Word and how it can help students in writing.
2) Using Microsoft Word (25 minutes):

TASK 1: “Check my spelling, please.” (8 minutes)
• Type wrongly spelled words (“writting”, “agumentative”, “jugement”) and see red underlines squiggles represent spelling errors.

TASK 2: “Enhance vocabulary with thesaurus.” (8 minutes)
• Type “destroy”, “disaster”, “similar” and see thesaurus.

TASK 3: “Count my words, please.” (9 minutes)
• Type any sentence, for example, “They are many writing tools available within Microsoft Word that can enhance a student’s ability to write” and see word counter.
3) In-class assignment: Argumentative essay (35 minutes):
Ask them to be in groups of five members each.
- Give topic for group discussion: “Media violence can result in children’s aggressiveness.”
- Ask students to brainstorm and discuss with their group members about the topic given. (15 minutes) • The students can choose whether to oppose or agree with the topic.
- Ask students to form a skeletal outline of argumentative essay for the topic and come up with one argument typed in one paragraph of about 100 words. (15 minutes)
- Ask students to print what they have typed and submit it to the teacher.
4) Self-searching for further information (5 minutes)
- Give the students websites to log on for their further information about argumentative essay.

Beside websites, give students teacher’s email address for students to send their argumentative essays (self- practice) or to ask questions.-

Reflection :
1) Students at this level find it easy to use word processor.
2) Students already know what argumentative essay is as they have learnt it in the previous lesson.
3) However, students find it quite difficult to zoom in into one argument of the topic given even though there are five students in a group.
4) Students are given enough time to complete all the tasks.

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