Friday, February 23, 2007


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Reflections on Assignment 3. (Noraziah)

  • For me, this assignment was quite difficult to do, perhaps due to my choice of research article. I had to read the article more than four times because it was not easy to understand. Making a summary is not as easy as its name suggests. especially if we have to summarize a research paper. First, I had to understand some technical terms or jargon in order to know what the paper was all about. Important information like the methods, procedure, subjects as well as the results of the research had to be jotted down.
  • To make a 5-page summary (including reflections on the research) was not easy. I found that too many things that I thought important to be included in my 5-page assignment.
  • Doing this assignment made me confused a little bit. This is because, it was difficult and complicated to understand how abstract thing (the quality of student online postings) was measured, meaning it was turn to be concrete.
  • Besides, as I’m not good at Mathematics, the results of the research which was mathematical gave me headache.

Group Reflections on Assignment 3:

  • Overall, we found that doing this assignment as individual assignment was to give us opportunity to experience independent learning as well as to express our ideas personally and individually. Through this assignment, we could be free to give our opinions (especially for the reflection part) without any clashes of ideas or arguments. But, this is not to say we do not fancy group assignment (we do of course as we had been working well as a team).
  • Besides, we think this assignment has given us a general view of becoming researchers, particularly in studying CMC or CALL. Perhaps, Madam Rozina intended to give us an insight of how a research on CMC is conducted, (who knows if we want to further our studies in CALL).
  • Finally, we think this assignment is more or less to another course, Research Methodology as we found that some terms in our articles (such as Likert scale, variable etc) are things that we learn in the course.

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